Modern scientific infrastructure and innovative developments are the main priorities of the R&D Department of Lviv Polytechnic. From now on, the Center for Optical Research and the R&D Laboratory of Chromatographic Analysis are operating at the University, actively conducting innovative scientific research.
The units were opened thanks to the team of the R&D Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, with the help of Ivan Demydov, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research, who supported the project aimed at the purchase of equipment and materials by the units for the collective use of the scientific equipment for conducting research, financed by the EU’s external aid instrument to fulfill Ukraine’s obligations in the European Union’s Framework Program for Scientific Research and Innovation «Horizon 2020».
The project budget was 7.2 million hryvnias. This money was used to purchase and put into operation:
- Agilent 5977B GC/MSD gas chromato-mass spectrometer with a single-quadrupole mass spectroscopic detector;
- V-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer Shimadzu UV-3600i Plus with integrating sphere.
In addition, an Agilent 1260 Infinity II liquid chromato-mass spectrometer with an Agilent MSD iQ mass-selective detector worth over 5 million hryvnias was purchased and put into operation at the University’s expense.
Without a doubt, the use of such equipment will enable researchers of Lviv Polytechnic to significantly expand their research and accomplish new professional achievements!