The results of the second stage of the project contest of research works, scientific and technical (experimental) developments of young Ukrainian scientists were announced. Among 12 projects submitted by Lviv Polytechnic National University for contest participation, three works were accepted.
The project «Functional nanomaterials for adaptive robotic information-measuring complex of defense direction» by Halyna Klym, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Associate Professor of the Department of Specialized Computer Systems of Lviv Polytechnic received the highest expert evaluation (91.7 points).
The winners of the competition were also «Influence of structural organization of organic semiconductors on luminescent and photoelectric parameters of organic electronics devices» by Khrystyna Ivaniuk, Doctoral Candidate, Candidate of Technical Sciences and «Innovative use of solid and nanocomposite materials for management of subtera-hertz radiation» by Nazarii Andrushchak, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer-Aided Design.
According to Yurii Yatchyshyn, Academic Secretary of the Research and Development Department of Lviv Polytechnic, there is a chance that the developments of young scientists will be implemented in 2019, as the general fund of the State Budget provides for them 75 million hryvnias.
In total, 361 projects from more than 100 higher education institutions and academic institutions within the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine were submitted for the contest.
More information can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.