From May 31 to June 4, 2021, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of European Experience", which is carried out at the Department of Marketing and Logistics of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, the Summer School "Logistics and Supply Chain Management" was held ".
The main goal of the Summer School is to acquaint high school students with the field of logistics and supply chain management, the best European logistics practices, and the formation in students of a conscious approach to choosing the future profession
This year, the participants of the Summer School were the students of the European Lyceum of the Lviv City Council. The program includes thematic games, presentations, and excursions.
Day 1. The event was opened by assoc. prof. Nataliya Haivanovych and Lyceum director Larisa Yankovska. All participants and teachers of the department of marketing and logistics met every day in a spacious classroom to learn and share their experience about logistics. Assoc. prof. Nataliya Chornopyshka conducted a meeting of the participants. Students shared their achievements and dreams. As part of team-building, assoc. prof. Oksana Dovhun conducted the Marshmallow Challenge game - students tried to build the tallest tower that would stand, generated ideas and defended their opinion in teams. And then the organizers introduced the participants to important terms and values inherent in the European Union. Assoc. prof. Sofia Leonova conducted the game for guessing the main concepts.
Day 2. On Tuesday, students took on the role of logistics managers involved in international transportation and played the business game Business on the move under the guidance of associate professors of the Department of Marketing and Logistics Nataliya Haivanovych and Olena Pokhilchenko. This game has gained popularity in the logistics field with the support of many leading European companies as a model for studying business processes in logistics and supply chains, applying logistics knowledge and skills through solving various tasks. The players made the same decisions that real managers make every day in logistics on the European market. The students successfully demonstrated the ability to quickly orient themselves in force majeure circumstances, which affected the final result. The winners were:
• 1st place - Viktor, Maryan and Maksym;
• 2nd place - Sofia, Yana;
• 3rd place – Bozhena, Violetta, Daryna.
Day 3. Wednesday at the Summer School was also interesting. Students got acquainted with the basic terms of logistics in production (poka-yoke, kanban, kaizen, lean-production, just-in-time), and also competed to master these concepts in the kahoot testing system. Next, the participants tried to understand what are the unnecessary losses in production when working in a team and with limited time under the guidance of Natalia Chornopyska and Oksana Dovhun. And we ended the day with a pizza-making game in two teams. They did not make real pizza, but they felt how much it is not easy to redistribute roles in production, enter the role of a certain profession, control quality, understand colleagues, remember nothing and achieve the plan - to fulfill customer orders on time.
Day 4. On Thursday, students listened to lectures about supply chains, European practices of their formation, and companies that provide logistics services. For a better understanding of the processes, teachers Olena Pokhylchenko, Nataliya Hayvanovych and Sofiya Leonova played a supply chain management game with the participants. It is a role-playing simulation game that allows participants to experience typical supply chain coordination problems that neglect information sharing and collaboration. In this game, the supply chain is the prototype of any uncoordinated system where problems arise from a lack of systems thinking. Each student was in the role of a manufacturer, supplier or consumer to see how orders are formed and fulfilled in reality.
On the last day of the Summer School, the participants received certificates and souvenirs. At the "Logistics and Supply Chain Management" Summer School, students developed teamwork and critical thinking skills, completing tasks individually and in groups. From lectures and videos, students learned about the essence and basic principles of logistics and supply chains, taking into account European experience.
The organizers of the Summer School would like to thank the administration of the Lyceum - director Larisa Anatoliyivna and head teacher Halyna Bohdanivna for their cooperation in implementing the event as part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project, congratulate everyone on a productive study, and wish everyone success in their studies and the realization of their ideas!
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