The team of researchers from Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University, received the right to reproduce and distribute in the Ukrainian language the second edition of the International Principles and Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration. This is an article with an open access under the Creative Commons Attribution License, a non-commercial license that allows its use, distribution and reproduction on any media, provided that the original work is properly cited and not used for commercial purposes. From now on it is available all over Ukraine.
The text for the Ukrainian edition was translated by Mykhailo Paslavskyi and Mariia Ruda, adapted for the Ukrainian reader by Taras Boiko and Svitlana Paslavska, prepared for publication by Olha Kuz with the assistance of Professor Oleksandr Moroz, Director of Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
The International Principles and Standards harmonize and complement the Conservation Measures Partnership 2013 and REDD + social and environmental standards (REDD + SES 2012) as well as other environmental standards and recommendations for ecological restoration.
All comments, received during the consultation, were taken into account. The second edition of the International Principles and Standards was approved by the Society for Ecological Restoration, SER, and its Board of Directors on June 18, 2019.
For almost two years, a document was prepared and all formalities for the transfer of rights to distribute and reproduce the International Principles and Standards were agreed with the Society for Ecological Restoration. The content is identical to original by Gann GD, McDonald T, Walder B, Aronson J, Nelson CR, Jonson J, Hallett JG, Eisenberg C, Guariguata MR, Li J, Hua F, Echeverría C, Gonzales E, Shaw N, Decleer K, Dixon KW (2019).
For the first time we managed to establish such cooperation and join the work of experts – representatives of 70 countries.