An international exhibition-seminar of six Polish artists was opened in room 226 of the main building of Lviv Polytechnic within the framework of the «Meetings» project. The lecturers of Higher Technical School in Katowice – Marek Dziuk, Alexander Kokot, Ewelina Wylężek Dobroń, Katarzyna Nowakowska, Karol Gawronski and Marcin Bogenek – presented their works. The exhibition will last till March 20. It is when the next group of artists will come to us with their works.
The lecturers of the Institute of Architecture of Lviv Polytechnic – Maksym Bohuslavskyi, Ivanna Buchkovska, Oleh Liaskovskyi, Romanna Motyl, Nataliia Pavliuk, Oresta Remeshylo-Rybchynska, Yurii Sentymrei, Olha Chelombitko, Viktor Khadzhynov, Viktor Shtets and Ihor Yakubovskyi will present their works in the art gallery of the Faculty of Architecture of Technical Higher School in Katowice on March 12.
According to the initiator and curator of the international exhibition-seminars, Associate Professor at the Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals of IARCH Oresta Remeshylo-Rybchynska, the idea of the project arose on the basis of the results of fruitful cooperation within the framework of the international internship program. More than two years ago, the two universities, where future architects and designers are studying, concluded an agreement. During this time there were joint scientific conferences, guest lectures and plein airs.
Nataliia Hots, Head of Center for International Education welcomed Polish artists and presented them with project participation certificates. Yaroslav Rakochyi and Oksana Yurchyshyn from the Institute of Architecture also welcomed the participants.
– All works by the artists, participating in the «Meetings», we arranged in the catalogue. The main idea of this project is to promote meetings of student youth and lecturers of two education institutions, where artists work in different traditions and different schools. I encourage students to be involved in the project. We intend to organize joint plein airs in the future and participate in joint international research grants, says Oresta Remeshylo-Rybchynska.