The final of the International Competition of Student Research Works in Accounting, Taxation, Analysis and Auditing, organized by Lviv Polytechnic National University together with Odessa National Polytechnic University, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Poland) and Artifex University (Romania), has come to an end. The final took place in the form of a video conference on the Zoom platform.
I. Demydov, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research of Lviv Polytechnic, Professor O. Kuzmin, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Professor I. Yaremko, Head of the Department of Accounting and Analysis, Antonina Kurets, PwC representative, and Viktoriia Volotovska, ACCA representative in Ukraine, greeted the finalists.
On the first day of the final, participants presented their research works, reported on their main results and actively discussed with the jury. All participants and the jury spoke English.
On the second day of the final there were interesting and informative reports of the participants, hot discussions with the jury members, communication in English, congratulations and prizes from partners – EY company.
According to the results of the Competition, Sofiia Vovkiv and Tetiana Stryzhka, students of the Department of Accounting and Analysis, Lviv Polytechnic, won first place.