January at Lviv Polytechnic was fruitful for important events that once again prove that despite the war, various challenges and trials, our University does not stop developing. One of the notable events was the solemn meeting of the Academic Board, during which the Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Professor Oleh Kuzmin was awarded the diploma «Honorary Professor of Lviv Polytechnic».
Professor Nataliya Chukhray, Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations, presented the achievements of Oleh Kuzmin, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Honored Education Worker of Ukraine.
– Thanks to many years of conscientious and persistent work, Oleh Kuzmin made a significant contribution to the development of our alma mater, to the realization of its mission and achievement of its goals, as well as to strengthening its competitive position in the market of educational services. 58 years of his life Oleh Kuzmin has dedicated to Lviv Polytechnic, from being a student of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics to an assistant – senior lecturer – Associate Professor – Professor – Head of the Department – Dean – Director of the Institute. He was one of the first graduates of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics, and now has been continuing the work of his predecessor: Oleksandr Sidorov, Yakiv Plotkin, Oleh Yanushkevych, and the Deans (Heads) of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics: Ivan Tyvonchuk, Borys Babak, Petro Bondariev, and Stepan Paranchuk. He is a worthy successor to the achievements they started at the Faculty, now the Institute of Economics and Management, said Nataliya Chukhray in her commendatory speech.
Under the leadership of Oleh Kuzmin, the Institute of Economics and Management, Lviv Polytechnic, became a bronze member of the Business Graduates Association (BGA), London, Great Britain, as part of the world-famous Association of MBA’s, London.
Oleh Kuzmin is known for his active participation in the implementation of a number of international projects. Thus, since 2017, he has been the co-coordinator of the mobility project under the Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement between Lviv Polytechnic National University and Kingston University London, Great Britain.
Together with partners from Sweden, Romania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Latvia, France, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, he joined the implementation of another Erasmus+ project: «Implementation of Education Quality Assurance System via Cooperation of University-Business-Government in HEIs – EDUQAS» (586109-EPP-I-2017–1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP).
In addition, the Director of IEM was a member of the project team for the implementation of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project «EU competitiveness boosting: circular economy». And in 2019–2022 he participated in the implementation of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project «European Experience in Technology Transfer for Ukrainian Universities».