The end of the year at Lviv Polytechnic is filled with significant events. On December 27, at the solemn meeting of the University Academic Board, Iryna Kliuchkovska, Director of the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University, was awarded the diploma «Honorary Professor of Lviv Polytechnic».
The event began with a minute of silence in honour of the fallen defenders.
We remind you that the tradition of awarding the title «Honorary Professor of Lviv Polytechnic» dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. So far, 45 people have been awarded. With this title, the academic community of Lviv Polytechnic honours individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the University in various fields. Among them, in particular, Julian Niedźwiedzki – the first Ukrainian rector of Lviv Polytechnic, Maksymilian Thullie – a prominent engineer, and Peter Potichnyj – an activist of the Ukrainian diaspora.
The achievements of Iryna Kliuchkovska were presented by Roman Korzh, Vice-Rector for Education and Social Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
– This year marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of the Patriarch of our church – Joseph the Blind. His thesis, «Wish it big» reflects the work of the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, headed by Iryna Kliuchkovska. High ambitious plans, innovativeness, quick reaction to societal challenges, boldness of decisions and work «not thanks to, but against the circumstances» – these are the features that characterize the director of IECDR and made it possible to make Lviv Polytechnic a leader in the formation of public and political opinion about the importance of international cooperation Ukrainianness and the state as well as the creation of one Ukrainian world community. As life has shown, it has been a work in advance. In fact, the entire activity of Iryna Kliuchkovska and, accordingly, the structural division of Lviv Polytechnic led by her was ahead of the perception and understanding by the society and the government, which was formed by this society, of the importance of the integration of global Ukrainian communities, noted in his report Roman Korzh.
The Vice-Rector also emphasized that Iryna Kliuchkovska subordinated the work of the Institute to an important rule: our work is a response to the request of those in need. And her team believes there are millions of them.
Roman Korzh did not ignore the research activities of the head of IECDR:
– In her dissertation work, Iryna Kliuchkovska developed the theory of an integrative educational publication based on the concept and model of a textbook on Ukrainian as a foreign language as a basis for textbook creation in this field. On this basis, under the leadership and co-authorship of Iryna Kliuchkovska, eight textbooks and manuals on Ukrainian as a foreign language of different levels (A1–C2) were developed and published. All of them are based on the All-European recommendations on language education. Today, millions of students and pupils on all continents of the world study using these teaching and methodical materials. Also, on the initiative of Iryna Kliuchkovska, IECDR created the first portal in Ukraine for studying the Ukrainian language as a foreign language «Step to Ukraine», which is constantly modernized in accordance with the requirements of the times ( The portal was launched with the aim of providing the process of learning Ukrainian as a foreign language with modern interactive materials intended for independent work and available online, as well as interesting methodological developments for teachers of Ukrainian as a foreign language. The ideas of Iryna Kliuchkovska formed the basis of the world’s first communication platform The Ukrainian Educational Universe created at IECDR, the target audience of which is educators from different continents. The portal allows you to quickly and qualitatively create a new intellectual product online, exchange experience, search and find new approaches to pedagogical work. It is also a global interactive map of Ukrainian studies educational centers in the world, noted the Vice-Rector.
It is also important that Iryna Kliuchkovska initiated and developed the IECDR’s research work on the study of migration processes in Ukraine and the implementation of its results in higher education courses and for decision-making at the national level.