Greetings from the Rector of Lviv Polytechnic on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Rector of Lviv Polytechnic
Заставка до матеріалу

Dear soldiers, dear Polytechnicias, who left everything to stand against the enemy and win back the peaceful sky over our country, on behalf of the community of Lviv Polytechnic National University, I wish you to overcome the Russian invasion and return to your relatives as soon as possible!

Today, everyone who lives in Ukraine is aware of the value of freedom and understands the high price paid by Ukrainian soldiers. Everyone from the world community, who is working all his life to preserve democracy and prevent the growth of tyranny, craves for our victory over the forces of evil.

There has been a war in Ukraine for more than nine years... For almost two years, the enemy has been wiping our cities and villages from the face of the earth, forcing people who have been working tirelessly on the land to leave everything and look for shelter or take up arms and stand to the end, to prevent the enemy from taking away our right to freedom.

The Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is another day when we should thank and support our soldiers. Because only by joining forces, not succumbing to various provocations, not allowing anyone to divide us, we will be able to defeat the Russian invader.

Thank you, our defenders, for giving us the opportunity to continue working, studying, being close to our relatives, thank you for every day, for the opportunity to become stronger and better!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!



Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University