Nataliia Hots: «Polytechnicians work systematically to win the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project competition»

Наталія Гоц

As we have already reported, this year 11 projects of Lviv Polytechnicians are among the winners of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet competition. More about the long-term cooperation and the preparation of competitive applications was discussed with Nataliia Hots, head of the Center for International Education, coordinator of the Erasmus+ program, Lviv Polytechnic.

― Lviv Polytechnic has been participating in the Jean Monnet project competition since 2018. However, at that time there was no positive decision on any of the 21 submitted applications. This prompted us to think about the reason for the defeat. Polytechnicians and employees of Center for International Education (CIE) took part in a number of trainings on these projects, which were conducted by the National Erasmus+ Office of Ukraine. Such training paid off. And since 2019, Polytechnicians began to win the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet competition, says Nataliia Hots.

You can learn more about Erasmus+ Jean Monnet projects implemented by Polytechnicians on the page of the Center for International Education.

― We made a lot of efforts to disseminate information about choosing a topic, forming an application, submitting and implementing Jean Monnet educational projects. As part of the upskilling courses, the CIE held presentations, as well as regular meetings and consultations for two months prior to the applications submission. Every year in autumn, meetings were held with the participants who did not pass the competitive selection, regarding the analysis and elimination of shortcomings, explained Nataliia Hots.

Last year, the community of Polytechnicians «Jean Monnet Family of Projects» was launched. Its purpose was to get acquainted with project ideas and their creative teams, mutual consultation and joint search for solutions to project tasks.

The first projects won by Polytechnicians were of humanitarian and economic directions. They are performed by representatives of IHSS, IEM and IAPE. It is worth noting that ICSIT managed to expand the subject matter and initiate a technical direction in the Jean Monnet projects, which was subsequently developed.

ICTA and ICCT joined the project community this year. If earlier projects were built only in the direction of «Module», then starting from 2021, projects in the direction of «Department» (IHSS, ICTA) also appeared.

― It is important that Nataliya Chukhray, Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations, supports the idea of forming projects on the basis of interdisciplinarity, which makes it possible to expand the circle of participants and the knowledge of students, ― added the head of the CIE. ― The coordinator of +Jean Monnet projects at Lviv Polytechnic is Olena Fedorova, Associate Professor at the Department of Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology, the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies. She makes a lot of efforts to advise on these projects, and regularly contacts Petro Krainik, coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office of Ukraine. This makes it possible to agree on many issues in the process of submitting applications and implementing projects.

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet projects are an integral part of the success of Lviv Polytechnic. In 2021 the University took second place among higher education institutions of Ukraine under the Erasmus+ international program.

The dynamics of the Polytechnicians’ activity in the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet competition (in the areas of «Modules» and «Departments»).


Year of applications submission

Number of applications submitted

Number of projects won