Admissions campaign 2023: IT Cluster programs at Lviv Polytechnic are among the most popular among entrants

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The 2023 Admissions campaign is finished. Already this month, 1,358 students started their study under 19 bachelor’s educational programs, which were modernized and launched by Lviv IT Cluster together with IT companies and four universities of Lviv, including Lviv Polytechnic National University. On average, there were 5 entrants for one place, and in some programs there were 12.

In 2022, there were about 81,000 applications submitted for studies in the Lviv region. This year, this figure increased to 95,000 applications, 21,000 out of which were for technical majors. At the same time, almost every second person – 44% – applied to study under the Cluster programs. This figure is 5% higher than last year, but still but still below the pre-war statistics of 2021.

For the second year in a row, Cybersecurity is one of the most popular areas among entrants. 1,739 applications were submitted to Lviv Polytechnic National University for this program.

The Internet of Things program at Lviv Polytechnic has also become popular among entrants. 835 applications were submitted for 150 license places. The popularity of AI tools, including GPT chat, also influenced students’ choices. 1098 entrants expressed their desire to study Artificial Intelligence at this university (there are 150 places).

The new educational program UX/UI Design is also popular. Lviv Polytechnic, which recruited students for this program the first time this year, received 231 applications for 70 places. IT Sales Management at Polytechnic is popular among the humanitarian programs. Here the competition is about 6 people per place.

By the way, seven out of twelve entrants who passed the national multi-subject test with a maximum score of 600 in the Lviv region applied for admission to updated bachelor’s educational programs.

Lviv IT Cluster is constantly working to ensure that Ukrainian youth can receive modern high-quality education in Ukraine that meets current market demands. Experts from the best IT companies are involved in mentoring and teaching. All students have the opportunity to undergo their internships in community companies.

At each bachelor’s program supported by the Cluster, students create their own projects under the supervision of a mentor from an IT company. All of them have a chance to grow into real startups. For example, this year the first-year bachelor’s students majoring in the Internet of Things at Lviv Polytechnic National University have created a unique smart cane for partially sighted people.

In addition, Lviv IT Cluster initiated the creation of a Research Center for engineering students in Lviv. According to the idea of the community, the Center will unite all stakeholders of the tech industry in one place: students, academic staff, companies’ representatives, local government and partners. It will be an ecosystem that will promote the emergence of new ideas. And for its implementation, a modern space will be created for high-quality scientific and interdisciplinary research in technology and other related fields. In particular, we are talking about 11 innovative laboratories that will be connected to each other, as well as co-working spaces, lecture rooms and classrooms.

For more details, visit the website of Lviv IT Cluster.