Co-Funding of Regional, National and International Programmes

Co-Funding of Regional, National and International Programmes is one of the types of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions aimed to foster excellence in researchers' training, mobility and career development for both early-stage researchers and experienced researchers, spreading the best practices of Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions.

Target audience: early-stage researchers and experienced researchers. There are no restrictions on country of residence or nationality.

Participation conditions: The project proposal should be submitted by host organization that will cofund the programme (types of programmes: doctoral programmes; fellowship programmes). The mandatory requirement is international mobility (cross-sectoral mo­bi­li­ty is also supported).

EU contribution: The funding will be conducted for each researcher in fixed-amount (as additional amount to living allowance and under the program).

Duration of the project: from three to five years.

Host organisation: universities, research centres, companies (SMEs), and other non-academic institutions.

Research topics are arbitrary (excluding topics specified in the Euratom Agreement).

Expected Impact:

at researcher level:

  • increased set of research-related skills, leading to improved employability prospects in non-academic sector (leading in the longer-term to more successful careers);
  • more knowledge and ideas converted into products and services;
  • greater contribution to the knowledge-based economy and society;

at organisation level:

  • development of high quality human resources;
  • boosting capacity among participating organisations;
  • enhanced cooperation and transfer of knowledge between sectors (disciplines);
  • strengthening of international and intersectoral collaborative networks;

at system level:

  • aligning of practices and policies in the context of the EU Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, enhanced implementation of the European Charter and Code and the EU Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training at regional, national or international level;
  • increase mobility of researchers in Europe;
  • improvement in the working and employment conditions for researchers;
  • strengthening of Europe's human capital base in research and innovative actions;
  • enhanced contributing to Europe's competitiveness.
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