Types of actions

The mentioned types of actions are related to all thematic areas of the Programme, except Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions.

Research and Innovation Actions

Description: The projects are aimed at:

  • to  establish  new  knowledge and/or to explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution;
  • carrying out of  basic   and   applied research;
  • testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment.

Funding rate: 100%.

The minimum number of institutions for consortium creation: three independent legal entities from European Union member countries or Associated Countries.

Innovation Actions

Description: The projects:

  • are aimed at producing  plans  and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services;
  • may include  prototyping,  testing,  demonstrating*,  piloting*,  large-scale  product validation and market replication*.

Funding rate: 70% (except for non-profit legal entities, where a rate of 100% applies).

The minimum number of institutions for consortium creation: three independent legal entities from European Union member countries or Associated Countries.

* Demonstration or piloting aims to validate the technical and economic viability  of  a  new  or improved  technology,  product,  process,  service  or  solution  in  an  operational  (or  near  to operational)  environment.

Market replication aims to support the first application/deployment in the market of an innovation that has already been demonstrated but not yet applied/deployed in the market due to market failures/barriers to uptake. 

Coordination and Support Actions

Description: The projects are aimed at:

  • companying measures such as standardisation, dissemination,  awareness-raising  and  communication; networking,  coordination  or  support services;
  • policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies (including design studies for  new  infrastructure);
  • complementary  activities  of strategic  planning.

Funding rate: 100%.

The minimum number of institutions for consortium creation: one legal entity from European Union member countries or Associated Countries.

SME instrument

Description: The projects are aimed at support of the full innovation cycle of small or medium enterprises (SMEs) (three phases, including mentoring  and  coaching).

Funding rate: 70%.

The minimum number of institutions for consortium creation: one small or medium enterprise from European Union member countries or Associated Countries.

ERA-NET Cofund

Description: The projects are aimed at support  public-public partnerships including joint programming initiatives between Member States, in their preparation, establishment of networking structures, design, implementation and coordination of joint activities.

The minimum number of institutions for consortium creation: three independent legal entities from European Union member countries or Associated Countries.

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