General Information about the Institute

The Institute of Economics and Management (IEM) of the Lviv Polytechnic National University has been training highly qualified economic personnel for over 70 years. Today, the Institute is one of the leaders of economic and managerial business education not only in the western region, but also in the whole of Ukraine. In its structure, it unites eight departments:

  • Business Economics and Investment;
  • Accounting and Analysis;
  • Finance;
  • Management and international Business;
  • Foreign Trade and Customs;
  • Human Resource Management and Administration;
  • Marketing and Logistics;
  • Management of Organizations.

The high level of teaching is provided by the teaching staff of the Institute, which combines experienced professors and associate professors with young and creative teachers. In the walls of INEM are working further well-known scintists: Oleh Kuzmin, Ihor Alieksieiev, Vitalii Boiko, Mariia Bondarchuk, Olena Bochko, Myroslava Bublyk, Oleh Vysochan, Liubov Halkiv, Nelli Heorhiadi, Nazar Hlynskyi, Mykhailo Honchar, Svitlana Hrynkevych, Zoriana Dvulit, Oleksii Druhov, Oleksandr Yemelianov, Andrii Zaverbnyi, Anatolii Zahorodnii, Halyna Zakharchyn, Khrystyna Zalutska, Oleh Karyi, Vasyl Kozyk, Orest, Koleshchuk, Yevhen Krykavskyi, Anatolii Kucher, Lidiia Lisovska, Oleksandr Maslak, Olha Melnyk, Halyna Myskiv, Olha Mnykh, Oleksandra Mrykhina, Ihor Novakivskyi, Mykola Odrekhivskyi, Ihor Oleksiv, Stepan Paranchuk, Halyna Partyn, Yosyf Petrovych, Olha Pyroh, Vitalii Rysin, Yosyf Sytnyk, Oleh Skasko, Oleksandr Skybinskyi, Ihor Skvortsov, Nataliia Stanasiuk, Viktoriia Kharchuk, Iryna Khoma, Liana Chernobai, Nataliia Chukhrai, Liudmyla Shkvarchuk, Nestor Shpak, Roman Shuliar, Oksana Yurynets, Ihor Yaremko, Mykhailo Yastrubskyi and many other. About 50 doctors of economic sciences, professors and more than 200 associate professors, candidates of economic sciences (PhD) work at INEM departments.

Evidence of the high level of expertise of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Institute of Economics and Management are the Awards of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, the Lviv Regional State Administration, the Lviv Regional Council, Lviv Polytechnic and other. Significant achievements of the Institute's employees are also confirmed by involvement in international and domestic grants, numerous certificates, successful defended of dissertations, as well as publications in leading international and domestic scientific journals.

Graduates of every educational program and specialty of the Institute of Economics and Management are competitive on the labor market, successful in entrepreneurial activity and in public service, occupy key positions of managers and leading specialists of business structures, organizations, scientific institutions, state administration bodies, diplomatic services and international organizations .

The Institute of Economics and Management trains specialists in accordance with the requirements of the global educational space. To solve the relevant tasks, active cooperation with business is carried out, educational programs for training specialists in economics and management are unified, modern information technologies are implemented, international cooperation with leading universities and scientific centers is developed, the material and technical base is modernized, methodical support is improved, cooperation for creative solutions are developed with enterprises, organizations, business structures, banking institutions, and state administration bodies.

Studying at INEM provides thorough scientific, professional and applied training for each student. Their annual victories at all-Ukrainian and international olympiads, scientific and graduation thesis competitions are the best proof of this. Innovative technologies and teaching methods accompany the student during the entire period of his studies. INEM has modern classrooms, specialized laboratories, the latest equipment, thanks to which every student gets access to the latest technologies of the information world.

Video conferences are used in the educational process. Every student of the Institute has the opportunity to deepen their knowledge remotely thanks to the Virtual Learning Environment network. From the first years of study, teaching of a considerable number of disciplines of the student's choice is carried out in Ukrainian and foreign languages. During their studies, students have the opportunity to obtain international certificates of success in information, language, and economic skills, which increases their competitiveness in the labor market. The best students of the Institute of Economics and Management receive various scholarships, in particular, from the Lviv Polytechnic, foreign governments, business, state authorities and other. All IEM students, if necessary, are provided with accommodation in dormitories.

During their studies, students of the Institute of Economics and Management have the opportunity to simultaneously obtain a diploma of a foreign educational institution within the framework of the student and teacher mobility program in accordance with the Bologna Declaration. Established international contacts of INEM with leading foreign universities provide an opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge of foreign languages, to get an education at the international level, as well as to do internships abroad. In particular, relevant agreements have been concluded with the Kraków Academy of Mining and Metallurgy (Poland), The Lippe and Hükster University of Applied Sciences (Germany), the Social Academy of Sciences (Poland), the University of Economics (Slovakia), the Rzeszów Polytechnic (Poland), the Matej Bel University (Slovakia), Higher School of Business in Dambrów Hurnichy (Poland), Academy of Economics (Poland), Higher School of Managerial Personnel (Poland), University of Information Technologies and Management (Poland), Hungarian National University of Economics (Hungary), Institute of Economics of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Vienna University of Economics (Austria), the University of Applied Sciences (Germany), the Higher School of Marketing Management and Foreign Languages (Poland), the Public Higher School of Entrepreneurship and Management (Poland), and other. Students of the Institute actively participate in various international exchange programs.

The Institute of Economics and Management is chosen by applicants who want to succeed in life. Thanks to this, our students achieve the highest results in all-Ukrainian and international competitions and olympiads. Graduates of IEM are highly qualified workers who are well prepared for professional work, therefore, competitive in the labor market.

For the development of students individual skills and talents, the Institute of Economics and Management offers a wide variety of scientific groups, sports sections, cultural and mass events, as well as the opportunity to implement various projects by student self-government. The students have at their disposal the libraries of the Lviv Polytechnic and INEM, modern computerized laboratories, sports complexes, recreation centers. Our students know how to learn and have fun. They take an active part in university amateur art festivals "Polytechnic Spring", "Polytechnic Autumn", "Miss Polytechnic", "Freshman's Day", "Economist's Day", "Freshman's Debut", IEM talent competition, activities of artistic groups "Enlightenment", as well as in various sports events of the Lviv Polytechnic.

Many foreign students from different parts of the world study at the Institute of Economics and Management. This creates opportunities to learn different cultures and nationalities, as well as to establish useful contacts.

Today, the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Management is:

  • Over 70 years of experience in training highly qualified economists and managers and providing high-quality educational services;
  • Professional scientific and pedagogical staff, more than 95% of which are professors and associate professors with scientific degrees of doctors and candidates of economic sciences (PhD);
  • International recognition of the diploma;
  • Employment by profession;
  • Possibility to obtain a diploma of a European university simultaniously;
  • In-depth study of foreign languages, use of the latest teaching methods, teaching of subjects in foreign languages, classes in computer laboratories with the most modern specialized software;
  • Free access to modern educational and scientific literature and the Internet;
  • Provision of dormitories;
  • Developed international cooperation with leading universities and research centers;
  • Implementation of the most modern achievements of European and world educational practice in the educational process;
  • High assessment of the quality of specialist training by employers;
  • The opportunity to continue studying in graduate school, and later in doctoral school;
  • Participation in thematic educational excursions and student scientific events;
  • Meetings with famous representatives of business, politics, education, sports, culture, art, etc.;
  • The possibility of self-realization in groups of amateur artistic activity in all types of creativity, in volunteer programs and social projects;
  • The access to modern sports complexes, swimming pools, sports grounds, recreation centers, etc.;
  • Ability to undergo military training.

Each of the applicants wants to study at a prestigious educational institution. The Institute of Economics and Management and Lviv Polytechnic is a choice that helps to build the future. IEM is a window into the world of success and recognition.

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