History of the Institute

The training of economist engineers at the Lviv Polytechnic began at the Faculty of Engineering and Economics. It was formed in 1965, and the first students recruitment was carried out in 1966.

The deans of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics were:

  • Associate Professor P.I. Kozin (1965);
  • Professor I.O. Tyvonchuk (1966);
  • Associate Professor B.G. Groundhog (1966-1976);
  • Professor P.P. Bondarev (1976-1991);
  • Associate Professor S.V. Paranchuk (1991-1995).

In 1995, the Faculty of Engineering and Economics was reorganized into the Faculty of Economics and Management, headed by Professor O.E. Kuzmin. In 2001, the Institute of Economics and Management was established based on the Faculty of Economics and Management, the director of which has been Professor O.E. Kuzmin. The institute includes eight departments: management and international entrepreneurship, organization management, finance, accounting and analysis, enterprise and investment economics, marketing and logistics, personnel management and administration, foreign economic and customs activities.


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