History of the Department

The Department’s history traces back to 1990, when in the course of independent Ukrainian state formation department staff begun to give such courses as «History of Ukraine» and «History of Ukrainian and world literature».

Under the egis of Honored master of sciences and engineering, member of the Ukrainian Higher Education Academy of Sciences Leontii Deshchynskyi PhD in History The department has become a basis for the formation of the first Educational and Scientific Institute in Lviv National Polytechnic University in July 1992. That was the Institute of Humanitarian Training, which was later transformed into Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The scientific council 35.052.15 in Phd Defense in Military History major has functioned on the department since 1995. The postgraduate training department of «History of Ukraine» and «Military History» has been functioning for all years. Since 1998 the department has published «Scientific newsletter of Lviv National Polytechnic University», «State and Army» series, which is certified as professional by Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine. In 2014 the first issue of the scientific journal »Historical Cultural Events» appeared.

 In 2000-2010 the department was training Bachelors in Document Science and Information Activity, who were successfully employed after graduation.

In 2013 the department has begun to train bachelors in cMuseology and protection of cultural and historical heritage».

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