Enrolemnt: «Museology and heritage activities»

Department of History, Museology and Cultural Heritage is a structural unit of the Institute of humanities and social sciences in Lviv National Polytechnic University.  It has over twenty years of experience in training specialists and it functions as a powerful professional teaching and research centre.

Chair of the department is professor Dr. Polina Verbytska.

Scientific direction of the department is "Innovation potential of historical and cultural heritage". Our Chair provides the bachelor and master program on “Museology, preservation of cultural and historical heritage”. Program is based on the practical training, which suggests the activities in Lviv leading museums and research institutions of the National Academy of sciences of Ukraine, the Ministry of culture and tourism of Ukraine. Regular holding of regional, all-Ukrainian and international scientific conferences and workshops on department’s basic promotes growth of its scientific and pedagogical potential.

Disciplines of profile:

  • socio-cultural aspects of museum work;
  • IT technologies in museum business;
  • management and marketing in museum activity;
  • design of expositions;
  • cultural heritage and sustainable development of society.

Future professionals can work as:

  • guide;
  • specialist civil service culture;
  • customs evaluator artistic values;
  • manager of socio-cultural activity;
  • designer of museum exhibits;
  • organizer of exhibitions and galleries;
  • researcher and expert in historical and cultural monuments;
  • specialist custody cultural property;
  • museum historian.

Potential locations for employment:

  • museums (the position of the guide, scientific secretary, researcher, head of advertising and print media);
  • culture protection and preservation institutions;
  • showrooms and galleries;
  • travel agencies;
  • institutions that provide excursions;
  • customs service of Ukraine.

Department of History, Museology and Cultural Heritage  provides educational training of bachelor to all areas of preparation of Lviv Polytechnic national University of basic disciplines “History” and “History of Ukrainian culture”, as well as training courses “Cultural science”, “Ukrainian and foreign culture”, “Country studying” for individual training areas.

The Main direction of scientific activity of the Department is carrying out research related to the study of problems of  Ukraine’s history and culture, museum work theory and practice, monument protection activity. Also Department provides some educational courses in English.  In addition Department prepares post-graduate students in specialty 20.02.22 - military history and 07.00.01 - history of Ukraine. Active and constant cooperation with renowned scientific and educational institutions of Ukraine promotes the chair as a powerful scientific and educational structure able to comply with its task profile up to date. 

Contact information

Lviv, 79013,  Mytropolyta Andreja  street,  4-th academic building, 202nd room

Web-sitehttp://www.lp.edu.ua/imks    http://www.lp.edu.ua/en/huec/research-department

Wiki-pageКафедра історії, музеєзнавства та культурної спадщини

E-mail: kafistor@polynet.lviv.ua  

Chair  Dr. Polina Verbytska: polinaverbytska@gmail.com

Deputy head  Ivan Khoma: khomaivan@ukr.net

International relations responsible person of department Iryna Hnidyk  iryna.univer@gmail.com

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