Program Guest Lecturer

A Guest lecturer is a foreign lecturer who is invited by the department, institute, or university to conduct lectures, has special knowledge or merits in a particular field of science, or has unique knowledge and experience in a particular professional activity.      

A Guest lecturer is interested in disseminating his knowledge and experience among the participants of the educational process, participating in research work, and in developing partnerships (articles, projects, training, etc.).

The term of stay of the guest lecturer is from 1 to 14 days.

A Guest lecturer may have:

  • an academic degree or significant achievements in a particular professional field or business
  • published works on the subject of lectures;
  • participation in research work or scientific and educational projects;
  • membership in international professional or scientific communities;
  • published textbooks, manuals, and other materials.

Upon completion of the teaching term, the Guest Lecturer receives a certificate from Lviv Polytechnic National University.

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