In 1913 the first Department of Urban Planning in the territory of then existing Poland was created in Lviv Polytechnic, headed by Ignatius DREKSLER. In 1920 he published the book “The Great Lviv”, which influenced the development of Lviv during the 20th century.
1936 – Prof., Dr. hab. of architecture Stanislav Filippovsky, Head of the Department of Urban Construction.
1939 – in the structure of the USSR in the Lviv Polytechnic Institute, the Department is headed by Professor Tadee VRUBEL, the most famous architect-constructivist of the interwar period of Lviv.
1944–45 – restoration of Lviv Polytechnic Institute and the creation of Engineering and Construction Faculty with one Department of Architecture.
1971 – the restoration of the Architectural Faculty, consisting of four Departments: Architectural Design, Urban Planning, Drawing, Architectural Constructions.
1971 – 1982 – the Department of Urban Planning was headed by an Assoc. Professor, PhD (since 1989 ScD) Andriy RUDNYTSKYI.
1978 – teachers of the Department of Urban Planning Iryna Rusanova and Ivan Petryshyn as part of the author’s team were awarded the State Prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR for the design of new buildings of Lviv Polytechnic.
1982 – 1993 – the Department of Urban Planning was headed by an Assoc. Professor, PhD Bohdan POSATSKYI.
In 1991, the dean of the Faculty of Advanced Studies of Architects in Lviv Polytechnic PhD Yuriy KRYVORUCHKO, Assoc. professor of the Department of Urban Planning, founded the International School of Church Architecture, which since 1993 was elected an accredited member of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture.
1993 – 1993 – the Department of Urban Planning was headed by an Assoc. Professor, PhD Yuriy KRYVORUCHKO.
In 2006, the Head of the Department of Urban Planning Yuriy Kryvoruchko was elected in competition for the post of Chief Architect of Lviv, the head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Development of Lviv City Council, where he had worked until August 2012.
2012 – 2024 – the Department of Urban Planning was headed by a Professor, PhD Halyna PETRYSHYN.
In 2015, the Research Laboratory NDL 117 was established, specializing in the development of project documentation and conducting scientific research. Until 2020, the laboratory was headed by Professor Halyna Petryshyn, who served as the scientific supervisor, while Associate Professor Stepan Tupis was the chief architect of projects. In 2020, Stepan Tupis took over the leadership of the laboratory.
Since 2024, the responsibilities of the head of the department have been assigned to the Assoc. Professor, ScD Yuliya IDAK.