History of the Transport Technologies Department

The preparation of professionals in scientific field “Transport technologies” has begun on Faculty of Civil Engineering in Lviv Polytechnic in 1996 under the guidance of the candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of motor road department Ihor Konyk, who at that time headed the section "Transport Management".

Taking into account further tendencies of field development, formation of higher education standards, and also significant growth of contingent of students, who studied on given section (from 1999 is was renamed as “Transport technologies”), the department of transport technologies as part of Institute of engineering mechanics and transport was created in December, 2004. New department was headed by Doctor of technical sciences, Professor Ihor Vikovych.

From September, 2008, to August, 2021, the department was headed by Doctor of technical sciences, Professor Yevhen Fornalchyk.

From September, 2021, the department is headed by candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Yurii Royko.

The department provides training in the specialty 275 “Transport technologies (by types)” specialization 275.03 “Transport technologies (on automotive vehicle transport)” by such educational programs^

- on the first (bachelor) level of higher education:

Educational-professional program “Transport technologies (on automotive vehicle transport)”

- on the second (master) level of higher education:

Educational-scientific program “Intelligent Transport and City Logistics”.

Educational-professional program “Organization and regulation of road traffic”.

Educational-professional program “Transport organization and management in transport”.

- on the third (Doctor of Philosophy) level of higher education:

Educational-scientific program “Transport technologies (by types)”.

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