Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is the registration number (PIC) of Lviv Polytechnic on the EU Funding & Tenders Portal?

Answer: 998579305.


Question: Why must I keep and submit the project documents to the Project Office?

Answer: In Ukraine, recipients, (co-)executors and (co-)beneficiaries of projects are grantee organizations (i.e. Lviv Polytechnic as a whole is responsible, not a specific person or department). The heads of the implementing organizations are accountable to the European Commission and the State Audit Service of Ukraine for the targeted use of funds. The European Commission (or another organization on their behalf) has the right to inspect the activities and quality of the project results in each organization and the partner country during the implementation and within 5 years after the end of the project. The project office provides support for international educational projects, guided by the “Regulations on the implementation of international cooperation projects,” approved by order of the rector No. 247-1-10 of 25.05.2022.


Question: Who can be included in the creative team and what are the responsibilities of the project manager and executors?

Answer: The creative team includes the project manager (academic coordinator) and project executors (research, teaching and other staff, doctoral students, postgraduate students and students). Postgraduate students, doctoral students and undergraduates must be excluded from the application for employment under the individual contractor agreement. Based on the submission, the Project Office prepares an order to establish a creative team and allow work under individual contractor agreements. The project manager is responsible for the overall coordination of the project, determining the creative team, monitoring project implementation, preparing reporting materials, controlling the distribution of funds and their intended use, etc. The project manager is responsible for monitoring the performance of duties by project team members and the quality of project implementation. All members of the creative team are equally in charge of the proper fulfillment of project obligations.


Question: What document is the basis for payments to members of the project team?

Answer: After the funds have been transferred to the university's account and the activities have been carried out (optional courses or other activities), financial documents (certificates of completion) must be prepared, as they are the basis for paying remuneration to the creative team members. More details about other financial documents that need to be prepared during the project implementation are provided in separate instructions, which can be found at the Project Office.


Question: Where can I get the templates for the Jean Monnet project registration?

Answer: Contact the relevant specialist or project manager at the Lviv Polytechnic Project Office.


Question: What kind of reporting is required on the learning process of the created Jean Monnet Modules/Chairs course? What does the EU require?

Answer: For the successful implementation of the project, you must create:

  • submission for the optional course,
  • an order to conduct an optional course under the project,
  • a list of course participants/students,
  • a lesson plan for the optional course,
  • work programme of the optional course,
  • report on the project activities.

The EU assigns control over implementing Jean Monnet projects to Lviv Polytechnic National University. It also reserves the right to conduct an audit for 5 years after the project is completed.

Templates of the documents can be found here.


Question: How do I sign up for a consultation to the Project Office?

Answer: Each Project Office team member is responsible for some regions of consulting. Please choose an appropriate specialist in the “Office Team” section who is relevant to the direction of your question and write to the corporate email address.


Question: Why is it necessary to register a project as material and technical assistance with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine?

Answer: Registration of the project with the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is mandatory, following clause 11. of the Procedure for Attracting, Using and Monitoring International Technical Assistance, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 153 “On Establishing a Unified System for Attracting, Using and Monitoring International Technical Assistance” from 15.02.2002 (as amended), states that all Projects (programs) are subject to mandatory state registration. For more details on registering a project and obtaining a state registration number, see the separate instructions.


Question: Is it possible to participate in international educational contests (e.g. Erasmus+) not on behalf of Lviv Polytechnic but on behalf of a department or institute?

Answer: No. These types of projects can only be applied for on behalf of a registered educational organization using its PIC number.


Question: How do I find a partner to participate in the project?

Answer: Some calls for proposals require the involvement of partners in the project. In this case, you must select an HEI from a country that can participate in this contest and contact the International Department or the University Project Office. In the letter, you should briefly describe the organization and your department. The International Department will then forward your letter to the relevant faculty that deals with similar topics. If the university scientists are interested in cooperation, you will receive a reply to your letter. After that, you should confirm your intention to cooperate by briefly describing your project idea.


Question: What are the opportunities for Lviv Polytechnic to participate in Erasmus+ competitions?

Answer: Lviv Polytechnic, as a higher education institution, can participate in all open calls for Ukraine in the fields of higher education, adult education, vocational education, school education, youth, and sports. The list of current open opportunities is available on the website of the Programme Office and the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine.


Question: What are the requirements for partnership in KA220 Erasmus+ projects?

Answer: Ukrainian organizations can only participate in calls for proposals in this area as partners (participants). The minimum composition of the consortium is 3 HEIs from 3 different Programme Member States (EU or partner countries) and 1 HEI from Ukraine.


Question: What are the requirements for partnerships in Erasmus+ capacity-building projects (e.g., CBHE)?

Answer: In national projects, a minimum of 1 HEI from 2 programme countries (EU or partner countries) + 2 HEIs from Ukraine is required. For multinational projects: 2 HEIs from 2 Programme countries and 2 HEIs from 2 different third countries (including Ukraine). 


Question: Do I need a partner to participate in the Jean Monnet call?

Answer: No, involving partners in the Jean Monnet call is unnecessary. This contest requires a submission from 1 applicant.

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