About Project Office

The Project Office is a structural unit of Lviv Polytechnic National University that carries out consulting, training, and management activities to improve the quality of project proposal preparation and implementation of the University's project initiatives. The Project Office provides documentary support for international educational projects with a scientific component, infrastructure, and social projects that have received funding, assistance in realization, and implementation monitoring. 

The Project Office is committed to boosting the project activities of academic and research staff, postgraduate students, doctoral students, Polytechnic staff, and other project participants. This collective effort is aimed at elevating the standing of Lviv Polytechnic in international rankings, a testament to the Project Office's significant role.

The Project Office is a comprehensive resource for consultations on all university projects. Our expertise is particularly focused on the following programs and areas, ensuring that we can provide tailored support to a wide range of project types.

  1. Research projects within the framework of the European Union's framework programs, particularly the Horizon Europe programs.
  2. Educational projects of the Erasmus+ KA2 and Jean Monnet programs.
  3. Social, cultural, and infrastructure projects submitted to international funds for co-financing, particularly from the European Union.
  4. National science and technology projects funded by foreign governments.
  5. Commercial projects of Lviv Polytechnic employees, postgraduate students, and students. 
  6. Scientific, educational and commercial projects submitted individually or collectively by Lviv Polytechnic employees.
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