Currently, Polytechnic is actively providing shelter for workers, students and locals in case of emergencies. The University Alumni Association helps with the delivery of drinking water. Volodymyr Kraiovskyi, Vice-Rector for Training and Production, noted that water had already been distributed between buildings No. 11 and 4 and the main building.
«We are now in close contact with the University Administration. We respond to needs. With the help of Birendra Singh, board member of the Alumni Association, a graduate of the Alumni Association, a graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, the first batch of drinking water, about 20 pallets, was brought to the University shelters. Next we will see how events will unfold. If we have to take a lot of people in the shelter for a long time, we will organize small stocks of necessary products, drinking water, hot tea, cookies, medicines, etc. It is worth thinking about warm things, making a corner of essentials, because in the middle of the night in the shelter can be both children and the elderly», said Ihor Pavlishevskyi, the chairman of the Alumni Association, Lviv Polytechnic.