The V International Conference «Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (CoLInS 2021)» was held on April 22–23, 2021. The event takes place on the basis of National Technical University «KhPI» (Intellectual Computer Systems Department) and Lviv Polytechnic National University (the Department of Information Systems and Networks and the Department of Applied Linguistics)
More than 150 articles by 420 authors from 14 countries (Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Kazakhstan, Turkey and others) were submitted to the conference. According to the decision of the International Program Committee, 137 articles were selected for presentation at the conference and further publication in the CEUR-WS collection.
This year, due to quarantine measures, the conference was held online on the Zoom platform and Facebook.
The conference included: greetings of the conference participants, 2 plenary sessions, 7 sectional sessions on «Computer Linguistics» and «Intelligent Systems», a student section and conference summary report
All conference meetings and recorded speeches of participants can be viewed on the YouTube channel of the conference, presentations of participants can also be found on the conference website.