For the Department of Motor Vehicle Transport, the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport, Lviv Polytechnic, modernization of material and technical base is one of the most topical issues: it requires both training of road transport specialists in accordance with the needs of road transport companies as well as research. Such modernization requires not only the attraction of large financial resources for the purchase of new equipment, but also the appropriate adaptation of existing premises for its placement.
An important step in this direction is the commissioning of the laboratory «Diagnosis of mechatronic systems of cars». The laboratory premises have been renovated, meet safety requirements and are equipped with two laboratory stands and diagnostic equipment.
The stand based on the Daewoo Lanos 1.6 petrol internal combustion engine is equipped with a system and a remote control, allows you to start the engine and simulate different modes of its operation. It provides the ability to diagnose the engine control system, read faults from the electronic control unit via the diagnostic connector, view current sensor parameters, and control actuators. When using the stand together with the car digital oscilloscope USB AUTOSCOPE III it is possible to view and analyze in real time the signals of sensors and actuators of the mechatronic control system Daewoo Lanos 1.6, as well as using specialized sensors and software USB AUTOSCOPE III to diagnose the mechanical part of the existing internal combustion engine and ignition system.
The laboratory stand based on the Renault Clio 1.5 DCi gives students the opportunity to acquire practical skills in diagnosing the diesel engine control system, the ICE start systems and the car’s power supply.
The laboratory conducts laboratory work in the disciplines «Car Mechatronics», «Fundamentals of Computer Diagnostics», «Diagnostics of electrical and electronic equipment of cars» for students of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education, as well as in the discipline «Algorithms and methods of computer diagnostics cars» for students of the second (master’s) level of higher education specialty 274 «Road transport».
Through the use of the laboratory in the educational process, students consolidate theoretical knowledge and acquire practical skills in diagnosing and repairing modern mechatronic systems of cars, which allows them to be competitive in the labour market in the automotive industry.
The laboratory was put into operation due to the direct participation of two leading academics of the Department – Associate Professors Vasyl Brytkovskyi and Yurii Porokhovskyi.