Representatives of Lviv Polytechnic took part in the upskilling program for academic staff of higher education institutions and scientific institutions of Ukraine «Accreditation of educational programmes of the third level education. Research integrity» and presented the results of the DocHub and EDUQAS projects.
The organizers of the All-Ukrainian meeting were the International Foundation for Educational Policy Research, NGO Innovative University and the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Professor Yurii Rashkevych, Department of Publishing Information Technologies, Member of the National Qualifications Agency, and Professor Ihor Oleksiv, Department of Management and International Business, presented reports «Doctoral training in the European Higher Education Area: useful experience for Ukraine», «Basic principles of modern doctoral training: Salzburg principles and the American Experience», «Doctoral Studies in Europe: Approaches and Structures». In part, these materials were based on the experience gained during the implementation process of international Erasmus+ projects «Structuring cooperation in doctoral research, transferrable skills training, and academic writing instruction in Ukraine’s regions 574064-EPP-1–2016–1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP» (DocHub ) and «Implementation of Education Quality Assurance system via cooperation of University-Business-Government in HEIs 586109-EPP-1–2017–1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP» (EDUQAS).
Doctoral Student Viktoria Kharchuk, the Department of Management and International Business, and Associate Professor Anatolii Ihnatovych, the Department of Electronic Computing Machines, who became one of the organizers of the event, took part in the discussion on the outlined aspects. Participants shared their impressions on the best practices of doctoral training in the European Higher Education Area (DocHub project) as well as innovative experience and the latest technologies in the field of accreditation and evaluation of the educational programmes of the third level education (EDUQAS project).