The University Project Office held a webinar on the COST Program: Peculiarities of Preparing and Submitting Grant Proposals

Project Office, Lviv Polytechnic
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A webinar on the topic «COST Program: Peculiarities of Preparing and Submitting Grant Proposals» was held on September 26, 2024. It was organized by the Project Office of Lviv Polytechnic National University. 35 Lviv Polytechnic academics and researchers from various Institutes and Departments attended the event.

Nazariy Andrushchak, Head of the Project Office, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, opened the event. He told the participants about the main activities of the Project Office and spoke about the services and consultations it provides to all employees of Lviv Polytechnic. Nazariy Andrushchak also introduced the main speaker of the webinar, Svitlana Holovchak, a specialist at the Project Office.

The presentation contained a lot of useful information on writing grant applications and filling out the COST application form. In particular, the webinar covered the following issues in detail:

  1. Peculiarities of the COST grant program, as well as opportunities for participation for young scientists and experienced scientists.
  2. Countries participating in the COST program and criteria for participation in the competition for Ukraine. Successful COST projects in our country.
  3. Registration process on the e-COST portal; basic requirements for creating a user profile.
  4. Formation of a network of partners for writing, submitting a grant proposal and implementing COST activities.
  5. Peculiarities of filling out a grant application for the program and the main steps for uploading a template to the e-COST online system.
  6. Criteria for evaluating a grant proposal and the minimum number of points required to receive project funding.

At the end of the lecture, the webinar participants had the opportunity to participate in the discussion and ask additional questions. Most of the listeners were interested in the main aspects of filling out a grant application and the peculiarities of creating a network of partners under the COST program.

The Project Office team expresses its gratitude to all those present for participating in the event and wishes them new victories in competitions!

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