The University hosts the Data Privacy in IoT Summer School within the framework of the DataProEU educational project of the Erasmus+ programme

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During the week of May 27–31, 2024, the faculty of the Department of Automated Control Systems, the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University, for the second time held the Data Privacy in IoT Summer School within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chair Data Protection in the EU with the support of the European Union.

Over 100 students (bachelor’s and master’s) and postgraduates who had the opportunity to attend lectures, master classes and workshops on creating smart homes and cities, and to  learn about the main security challenges in IoT systems and ways to solve them. They studied the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on the implementation of IoT systems, the legal aspects of the lawful collection, storage and analysis of personal data, as well as the world experience in the field of data protection in IoT systems: standards, technologies and regulations.

In particular, Anna Petrushko, Senior Associate at Axon Partners, told the students about the main requirements of the GDPR for the protection of personal data in IT systems. As part of the lecture Data Protection by Design and Default: IoT App Development, she highlighted the need to ensure and think about personal data protection at the system design stage. Particular attention was paid to ensuring transparency of personal data processing in IoT systems, the importance of data minimization, the use of anonymization techniques, and the procedure for obtaining user consent and reliable data security measures.

The workshops were very active and dynamic, especially those organized in an offline format. The workshop by invited guests Valerii Nedilenko, CEO and developer of Heat Ceram, and Olia Mahyr, Software Engineer at Heat Ceram, on the topic Hardware & Software for IoT Security, aroused great interest among students. The attendees not only had the opportunity to learn about the products developed by the company, but also to see them working in real time. The students were particularly interested in examples of attacks on various types of IoT devices and recommendations on how to avoid them. The workshop turned out to be extremely interactive, and students had the opportunity to test their knowledge during a fun quiz, the winners of which received prizes from Heat Ceram.

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A detailed photo report is available on the Facebook page.of DataProEU

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