Polytechnicians learn from Japanese experience: University held Summer Japanese language Camp

Anastasiia Mozghova, the Audytoriya weekly newspaper
літній розмовний табір японської мови

From July 1 to 7, Lviv Polytechnic held Summer Japanese language Camp.

The Summer Camp was organized by the Department of Foreign Languages at the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences. Yasunori Fujisaki and Chika Saito, who are not only professional lecturers but delegates of the Japan Foundation in Ukraine, were invited to the university. Also, Mr. Fujisaki and Ms. Saito are employees of the Ukrainian-Japanese Center at NTU KPI.

The idea to create summer school was presented by the guest from Japan himself. The university and the foundation closely work together, so the Department of Foreign Languages asked Yasunori Fujisaki to join the Japanese teaching process in Polytechnic, as there was no native speaker. Then was formed an organizing committee, which included Nataliia Mukan, the head of the department, Myron Fedoryshyn, Nataliia Kostevych and Olha Litinska. Ihor Zorii, the head of the Ukrainian-Japanese Center at Lviv Polytechnic National University also joined the organization.

Three dozen of 1–3 years students of IHSS became participants of the school. Education is free of charge. Every day, students had three periods, two of which were conducted by Japanese teachers. At the end of the day was cultural program, in particular students were able to try on traditional Japanese clothes – yukata.

– Mr. Fujisaki brought new coursebooks for us and ran a great workshop for teachers, so currently we are testing new methodology for teaching Japanese, said Olha Litinska, associate professor at the Department of Foreign Languages.

Students were awarded certificates upon completion of the Summer Japanese language Camp.

літній розмовний табір японської мови літній розмовний табір японської мови літній розмовний табір японської мови літній розмовний табір японської мови літній розмовний табір японської мови літній розмовний табір японської мови літній розмовний табір японської мови