More than 200 participants from 36 countries took part in the First World Forum on Ukrainian Saturday and Sunday School Studies in Lviv. A respectable collection of Ukrainian language lecturers, who teach Ukrainian diaspora around the world, was intended to draw attention to the problems of the Ukrainians abroad and to initiate the process of creating the New Ukrainian School outside the country.
The highlight of the Forum was a fashion show of Ukrainian educators from all over the world, organized by the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
– We break stereotypes. We want to show our country and the world a Ukrainian diaspora teacher not only as intellectual, but as modern, stylish and fashionable person, said Iryna Kliuchkovska, the main organizer of the Forum and director of the IECDR.
Under the leadership of Liudmyla Syedova models displayed works of the Sophie Maria Syedova design studio. Original embroidered clothes naturally combined old Ukrainian traditions and modern fashion trends. The fashion show, accompanied by music from the Marvinok folk band and DJ Kind of Zero, impressed the audience.
Photo by Roksolana Mudrak (Lvivska Gazeta)