The Tech Transfer Boost study was presented as part of the PODIM 2024 conference. It included the identification of existing access to technology transfer, the identification of barriers in the city of Lviv, and the determination of development prospects and the presentation of developed effective mechanisms for stimulating technology transfer with the involvement of experts from the Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovations.
This year’s event was aimed at forming mutually beneficial cooperation between business and science for the commercialization of ideas, transfer of knowledge, technologies and innovations for synergistic development and dissemination of scientific practices and establishment of a network of partner relations with the regional startup ecosystem.
During this meeting, there was pitching of technological solutions, which were developed by Lviv Polytechnicians. In particular, Professor Serhiy Varvarenko, the Department of Organic Chemistry, the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, and Associate Professor Semen Khomiak, the Department of Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology, the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, demonstrated to the participants of the event the development of their scientific group – a transparent composition for filling double-glazed glass, which is part of structures with increased fire resistance due to the formation of a combined mineral-polymer hydrogel. Under the influence of high temperatures, such hydrogel filler turns into a highly porous mineral-carbon refractory material, which is able to prevent the spread of thermal radiation and flame for a given time.
We hope that this development will be of interest to domestic construction companies that arrange production zones at industrial facilities, build residential buildings, schools, hospitals, shopping and sports centers, logistics and transport hubs, etc. After all, the use of fire-resistant glass structures made of hydrogel will undoubtedly become an additional source of reducing the danger to people (in particular, it will provide more time for evacuation) and material losses in the case of fires. And this is the most valuable today.
Research at Lviv Polytechnic National University is carried out with the grant support of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine within the framework of the project «Development of hydrogel composition for insulating fire resistant glass and its manufacturing technology», the scientific supervisor of which is Professor Serhii Varvarenko.