This year professor Tadeusz Słomka, the outstanding Polish scientist-geologist, rector of Krakow AGH University of Science and Technology, president of the Rectors Conference of technical universities of Poland, was unanimously elected Dr. Honoris Causa by the Lviv Polytechnic University Academic Board
On this occasion in the historic assembly hall of University there was a solemn meeting of the highest collegial body, which was opened by Professor Yurii Bobalo, the rector of Lviv Polytechnic. He emphasized that the honorary degree of Dr. Honoris Causa received a well-known Polish scientist and pedagogue who made a significant contribution to the establishment and expanding of the cooperation between Ukrainian and Polish higher technical education institutions
Professor Oleh Kuzmin, the director of the Institute of Economics and Management at Lviv Polytechnic, presented a promotional report about Tadeusz Slomka. First of all he noted significant scientific achievements of the nominee, emphasizing that the Polish geologist is well-known among scientists, and his solid researches in the field of application of mathematical methods and computer science in geology are highly appreciated. He was one of the initiators and passionate supporters of a cooperation agreement between Krakow AGH University of Science and Technology and Lviv Polytechnic which provides wide and constant exchange of students and professors, joint intensive scientific research and double diploma programs.
Professor Tadeusz Slomka gave a brief inauguration speech. And he delivered it in Ukrainian, ending his speech with the words "Glory to Ukraine!" which became a pleasant surprise for everybody. He expressed his sincere gratitude to the members of the Academic Board and the rector of Lviv Polytechnic Yurii Bobalo for the recognition of his scientific and educational merits. His special concern is that the list of the names of prominent scientists - Doctors Honoris Causa of Lviv Polytechnic - minted on a marble board – starts with a name of a great Pole, the Nobel Prize winner in physics (twice) Maria Sklodowska-Curie who was awarded this honorary degree in the far 1912.
Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Lviv, Rafal Wolski and his colleague, Dr. Honoris Causa of Lviv Polytechnic, the dean of the Management Department of the Krakow AGH University of Science and Technology Piotr Lebkowski greeted the new Honorary Doctor. Oksana Yurynets, professor of Lviv Polytechnic, the People's Deputy of Ukraine and co-chairman of the Group on Inter-Parliamentary Relations with Poland, called today's event an example of fruitful cooperation between Ukraine and Poland.
One more pleasant surprise during the meeting of the Academic Board was a short address of a student Mykola Kulpa, who this year will receive double diploma - Lviv Polytechnic and Krakow AGH University of Science and Technology. His short speech in both the Polish and Ukrainian language was warmly welcomed by the audience.
Photos by Yosyp Marukhniak