This is a meeting of the participants of the interactive youth innovation space Smart Space, which featured its main areas – Junior MBA and Idea. During the event, the participants had the opportunity to learn how to combine science and creativity in an interesting way, find new opportunities, make new friends and meet like-minded people.
At the beginning, the participants had a creative get-to-know-you game, which was proposed by Roksolana Vynnychuk, Associate Professor at the Department of Human Resource Management and Administration, Lviv Polytechnic. Afterwards there were trainings in design and art, as well as a master class in drawing and painting, which was conducted by design students and their teacher, Oleksandra Dyda, Associate Professor at the Department of Architectural Design. Lidiia Bohun, Assistant Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, offered an interesting introductory thematic tour to the Department’s laboratories.
During the experimental part the participants could examine gold and silver jewelry, they mastered the basics of 3D modeling and engineering graphics, and created 3D models and their prototyping using 3D printers. It was conducted by Vitaliy Korendii, Head of the Department of Technical Mechanics and Engineering Graphics.
There were also entrepreneurship games «Peasant School of Business» that simulate real-life situations, provide new experience, communication and teamwork skills, as well as the ability to adapt and develop joint decision-making skills. They were organized by the Department of Management of Organizations, in particular by Oleh Karyi, Head of the Department, and its Associate Professors – Uliana Ivaniuk, Halyna Rachynska, Mariana Hvozd and Kateryna Protsak.
The training on the topic «Digital Literacy and Electronic Marketing» was conducted by Oleksandr Adamovskyi, Associate Professor at the Department of Management of Organizations.
The Synergy event ended with a quest that combined learning and competition for erudition, and logic. Its organizers are faculty of the Department of Human Resource Management and Administration, namely Associate Professors Roksolana Vynnychuk, Halyna Boikivska and senior teacher Svitlana Honchar.