The international grant program of the DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service «Trip of international student group to Germany in 2021», project № 57590446, took place in accordance with the approved program from October 4 to 14, 2021.
The purpose of the international grant program was to acquaint students of Lviv Polytechnic National University with the peculiarities of the educational process in higher education institutions in Germany, communication with the student community and business representatives, as well as cultural program.
The international grant program included trips to Berlin (Berlin), Frankfurt am Main (Hesse), Aschaffenburg (Bavaria), the Goths, Erfurt, Weimar (Thuringia), Leipzig (Saxony), Halle (the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt), Potsdam and Frankfurt on the Oder (federal state of Brandenburg), which were described in the reports written by students (in the files attached).
The implementation of the grant program in the context of deepening international economic relations between Ukraine and Germany resulted in students gaining competencies in a multicultural environment, forming friendships with peers and immersing in the historical and cultural heritage of the partner country.
Liana Chernobai
Head of the International Grant Program,
Professor at the Department of Management and International Business,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor

1. Ашаффенбург
2. Берлін
3. Берлін. Чекпоінт Чарлі
4. Берлін. Біля офісу DAAD
5. В дорозі до Франкфурта на Майні
6. Веймар сьогодні
7. Веймар. Пам’ятник Гете і Шиллеру
8. Вища технічна школа Ашаффенбурга
9. Вища технічна школа державного управління Готи
10. Галлє. Віттенберзький університет імені Мартіна Лютера
11. Галлє
12. Лейпціг. Завод електро BMW
13. Лейпціг. Одна з найбільших виставок світу
14. Лейпціг. Пам’ятник генію
15. Лейпціг. Пам’ятник битві народів
16. Лекція д-ра Бауке, Ашаффенбург
17. Понад 50 тисяч загиблих
18. Потсдам. Кампус
19. Потсдам. Парк Сан-Сусі
20. Потсдамський університет. Кампус № 1