Serhiy Prytula at the BEST Training Week in Lviv Polytechnic: volunteering, leadership and challenges for young people

Viktoriia Buhaiova, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Фото із зустрічі у Львівській політехніці

Every year, BEST Training Week offers students the opportunity to expand their knowledge, skills, and perspectives through free trainings, lectures, and workshops. This event provides a unique opportunity to attend free trainings, lectures and workshops by the best experts and leading companies. During this week, students gain experience and knowledge that will help them in their future professional and personal development.

This year one of the most anticipated speakers was Serhiy Prytula, a Ukrainian public and political figure, volunteer, TV presenter, and founder of a charity foundation. On September 10, he visited Lviv Polytechnic, where he delivered to students an inspiring lecture. The hall was full of students who gathered to hear about volunteering, the activities of his charitable foundation, and cooperation with international organizations.

In his lecture, the speaker focused on volunteering, the activities of his charitable foundation, and the challenges that Ukrainian youth will face in the future. During his speech, Prytula emphasized the importance of being involved in public life, calling on students to take responsibility and initiative right now:

«My main message while communicating with young people is a huge request not to be indifferent. At the time when the best people have gone to the front to defend us I call on you to learn to take responsibility and initiative. After all, if you don’t learn how to do it now, it will be much harder to do it later».

Serhiy Prytula shared stories from his own experience of volunteering and the activities of his charitable foundation, which has become one of the largest in the country. He spoke about the challenges and achievements of working with international organizations and other charitable foundations supporting Ukraine during the war. Mr. Prytula emphasized the importance of transparency and efficiency in organizing fundraisers, stressing that people are willing to help when they trust.

«Ask yourself a question «In what area can I be most useful?» said Serhiy Prytula, urging students to find their strengths and use them to help the country and society.

Prytula also spoke about strategies for attracting donors to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine and various volunteer initiatives. He emphasized the importance of properly disseminating information about fundraising, especially on social media, where transparency and openness are keys to successful fundraising. Students received a lot of practical advice on how to act effectively in volunteer projects and charitable organizations.

Serhiy Prytula also addressed the youth with advice on future challenges. He noted that young Ukrainians should be ready to take responsibility, actively participate in the development of the state and become leaders in their fields. Mr. Prytula emphasized the phenomenon of Ukrainianness and the peculiarities of national consciousness, which are becoming more and more evident in the context of war.

The lecture aroused great interest among the students, and they had the opportunity to ask Mr. Prytula many questions. The students were interested in both volunteer projects and activities of his foundation, as well as in his personal life.

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