On December 1, there was an online meeting of Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Professor Yurii Bobalo, and Rector of Krakow University of Economics, Professor Stanislaw Mazur. Nazarii Podolchak, Head of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, the Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education, and Oleksii Druhov, Professor at the AFM Department, also took part in the event.
The parties discussed the participation of researchers from the Krakow University of Economics in the conference «Forum of Public Administration and Innovation», which will be held on May 20–21, 2021 in Lviv. The representatives of Lviv Polytechnic invited Rector Stanislaw Mazur to become a member of the Conference Program Board, and researchers of the Polish University – to take part in the conference.
At the meeting they also discussed participation in the International Association for Public Administration and Innovation. Lviv Polytechnicians provided brief information about the goals of the Association and its work and invited the Krakow University of Economics to take part in this project.
The parties discussed the cooperation on research and innovation projects from Tech Startup School, Lviv Polytechnic National University. They also talked about joint startups, innovations, meetings and grants from the EU.
During the meeting they also raised the issue of:
- joint methodological workshops on the analysis of economic innovation;
- joint programs in public administration and management (postgraduate education, MBA, etc.);
- student exchange programs.