Rector Yurii Bobalo: «We are obliged to fight for victory not only by holding weapons, but also by working diligently»

Ректор Львівської політехніки Юрій Бобало

Dear Polytechnicians!

For almost a month we have been living in the terrible reality of war. The enemy invasion changed the usual and harmonious life of each of us. But this war united the nation and sharpened the understanding that the greatest value is people. Therefore, we must first take care of each other.

As of today, we are resuming distance learning. Polytechnic has already created all the necessary conditions so that students do not lose the opportunity to obtain a quality education, even when it is not possible to attend University. However, the online learning requires a special responsibility of everyone – both teachers and students. Therefore, I ask you to make every effort to teach and learn honestly at a time when our soldiers are bravely defending us from our enemies, using every opportunity for intellectual weapons. After all, educated people have great advantages over the ignorant.

We must understand that this war is being waged by enemies on various fronts. That is why we are obliged to fight for victory not only by holding weapons, but also by working diligently, taking care of the stability of the state economy. Our work in the rear is extremely important. So, let’s be responsible!

Victory is ours!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!


Yurii Bobalo,

Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University