Until April 17 studies at Lviv Polytechnic National University will take place online

Інтер'єр головного корпусу Львівської політехніки

In accordance with the Order No. 164–1-10 of March 26, 2021 of the Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University «On the extension of quarantine and peculiarities of the educational process in the second semester of 2020/2021 academic year» quarantine at Lviv Polytechnic National University has been extended until April 30, 2021.

The educational process will be held remotely (in the form of video conferencing) from March 29 to April 17, 2021

The fourth-year bachelor’s students and third-year bachelor’s students, studying under shortened educational programs for 3 years, who during this period are scheduled to have exams, will take them remotely.

On April 16, the possibility of returning to offline study will be considered to give students the opportunity to work in laboratories that require special equipment.

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