Within the international cooperation with the Second University of Naples, Italian Professor Aldo Amirante visited the Department of Business Economics and Investment of Lviv Polytechnic. He was happy to share experience of implementing the Bologna process at his university. The lecturers from the Institute of Economics and Management and the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies attended the meeting.
Here are some fragments of conversation with Mr. Amirante.
– What did your university manage to achieve due to the Bologna process in recent years?
– First of all – progress in providing students and graduates with an opportunity to move to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) with the recognition of their qualifications and periods of study. Joint educational programs also provide graduates with knowledge, skills and competences either to continue education or to get a job on the European labor market. Institutions become more active on the international scene, and scientists collaborate in joint educational and research programs. The EHEA opened a dialogue with other regions of the world and is an example of structured cooperation.
In the future, we will strengthen interdisciplinary and cross-border cooperation, as well as develop an inclusive and innovative approach to learning and teaching. The Secretariat of the Bologna Follow-up Group has to submit proposals by 2020 so that higher education can fully play its role in addressing the challenges that our societies face.
– What are the future plans of the Second University of Naples?
– To encourage and enhance integrated transnational cooperation in the sphere of higher education, researches and innovations, and thus to increase the mobility of staff, students and researchers and create joint training programs throughout the EHEA ...
Within the Bologna Process Forum 2020, we plan to conclude a global agreement on issues aimed at improving regular cooperation between different regions and international organizations. This dialogue must focus on the dissemination of joint study and initiatives on such issues as social integration and the greater role of higher education throughout the world.