Recently, Professor Oleh Kuzmin, the director of the Institute of Economics and Management of Lviv Polytechnic National University welcomed Professor Krzysztof Obłój, a renowned European and Polish scholar and economist. His visit to Lviv took place within the Erasmus + KA 107 program.
It is interesting to note that father of Professor Krzysztof Obłój studied at one of the departments of the present Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of Lviv Polytechnic for three years before the Second World War.
For some time, Professor Obłój was the head of European International Business Academy; he is a well-known scholar in the field of strategic and international management. Mr. Krzysztof is currently lecturing in leading European universities. Today Krzysztof Obłój is the most cited scholar in Poland.
At the Department of Management and International Business of Lviv Polytechnic, headed by Professor Olha Pyroh, the Polish guest conducted interactive lectures from the Strategic and International Management on the topic Strategic Choice and Strategy to Determine Competitive Advantages, during which students learned about modern concepts of strategic planning. They also had an opportunity to use the gained knowledge at two real business cases - Carter Racing and Polmos Lublin SA.
At the same time, Krzysztof Obłój conducted a workshop for lecturers on How To Publish Research Results In Scientific Top Journals. This topic is extremely relevant for Ukrainian scholars. Therefore, during the workshop, there was a lively discussion of the current state and prospects of the publication of Ukrainian scholars in the world's top journals that cover business.