At the end of November 2022, Iryna Khoma, Professor at the Department of Finance, the Institute of Economics and Management, Lviv Polytechnic, completed a full-time international scientific internship at the Western Finland College, Huittinen, Finland. The purpose of the internship was to familiarize with the Finnish education system in the context of international experience and conduct a comparative analysis with the Ukrainian education system and domestic educational programs.
The Lviv Polytechnic representative got acquainted with the project approach in the organization of the educational process in various Finnish educational institutions, and took part in the discussion of educational programs. She also learned about the training process of teaching staff in Finland according to key competencies, evaluated the teacher’s motivation, freedom of their creativity and professional development, socio-cultural and linguistic competences of modern teachers of higher and secondary educational institutions on the experience of Finland. Also, the University Professor got acquainted with the approach to education as a seamless process and with the organization of the educational process in Finnish universities from Bachelor’s degree to Doctor of Sciences.
Iryna Khoma learned about the methods of implementing the principles of Finnish education on the rights of equality, freedom, individuality, practicality, trust, voluntariness and independent choice of the major of interest. Integrative communication in the networking building system is important, which enables the exchange of information between people united by common professional interests and the formation of long-term trusting relationships through social networks.
As a result of the internship, friendly professional relations were established with Finnish teachers, in particular with professors of the Satakunta University of Applied Sciences in the city of Huittinen.
Thus, the Department of Finance, Lviv Polytechnic National University, has expanded the geography of friends in Finland. Finnish colleagues wished all Ukrainian students and teachers peace and the fastest Victory.
For more details, visit the website of the Lviv Polytechnic Department of Finance.