On April 27, Lviv Polytechnic held a solemn ceremony of awarding the Doctor Honoris Causa diploma to Denys Shmyhal, a Ukrainian statesman, Prime Minister of Ukraine, a graduate of our University in 1997.
The tradition of awarding the title Doctor Honoris Causa at Lviv Polytechnic goes back to 1912, when it was first awarded to the Nobel laureate Maria Sklodowska-Curie. For more than a century, more than 50 people were awarded this title: scientists, public figures, and politicians. Lviv Polytechnic is proud of the fact that among its Honorary Doctors there are statesmen, presidents and prime ministers of various countries, as well as Nobel Prize laureates. The academic community of Lviv Polytechnic awards the title Doctor Honoris Causa to persons who have special merits to the state, society, and our University.
The nominee’s achievements were presented by Professor Oleh Kuzmin, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University:
― Denys Shmyhal is a Ukrainian statesman, Prime Minister of Ukraine. He is the record holder for the longest tenure among all heads of government of independent Ukraine (more than four years). His efforts are aimed at the development of the national economy, science, education and culture.
He also outlined his life, educational path and professional activity.
― Denys Shmyhal had an internship and studied abroad: in Belgium, Canada, Georgia, Finland, as well as at the RWTH Aachen University under the manager training program of the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy of Germany. In 2021, Denys Shmyhal entered the list of the 100 most influential Ukrainians according to the version of the weekly magazine Focus, taking the 7th place in the ranking, added Oleh Kuzmin.
Denys Shmyhal proved himself both in business and in public service. He worked in management positions at VC «Electronbank», Comform-Invest and Rosan-Invest companies, etc. In the state administration, he held the positions of the assistant to the Lviv Regional State Administration, the head of the Ivano-Frankivsk State Administration, the Minister of Ukraine and the Prime Minister of Ukraine.
After the solemn ceremony of awarding the Doctor Honoris Causa diploma of Lviv Polytechnic Denys Shmyhal delivered his speech.