A research group consisting of Myroslav Sanytskyi, Tetiana Kropyvnytska, Taras Kruts, Hanna Ivanyshyn successfully presented an invention related to the manufacture of mortars in the nomination «Construction». The synergistic combination of fine-graded active mineral additives, fillers and complex chemical additives in the binder provides homogeneous soluble mixtures of high mobility, in which there is no water separation that does not delaminate during storage at the construction site, and the introduction of hardening accelerator allows accelerating processes of early structure formation which provides early strength of mortars.
This year’s competition, unlike the previous ones, was held online with the participation of representatives of Ukrpatent, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine and the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine. During the broadcast, the winners presented their own projects.
This time the authors of 244 patented inventions took part in the competition. 87% of the total number of competition works were submitted by scientific institutions.
The Expert Board of Ukrpatent has determined 12 field nominations, in accordance with the most relevant areas of innovation: «Construction» (in which Lviv Polytechnic researchers won); «Modern industrial technologies and new equipment»; «Energy and energy efficiency»; «Ecology»; «New substances and materials»; «Technologies of agro-industrial complex»; «Medicine»; «Pharmaceutics»; «Food production»; «Metallurgy»; «Defense and State Security»; «Processing of industrial and household waste».
When identifying the winners, the «quality» indicators were taken into account – the originality of the technical solution, the complexity of the set and solved task, as well as social and humanitarian significance.