The event will be held in Lviv from April 12 to 20, 2019. On this occasion, on February 12, a representative of the Free University of Berlin, co-organizer of the project, Dominik Sonnleitner arrived at the university with a presentation of the workshop program.
The Department of International Information organized the event, the initiator of which was the lecturer at the Department Maria Purii. In addition to Lviv, such presentations will also take place in Kyiv, Dnipro and Kharkiv.
The workshop on global politics is an academic project of the Free University of Berlin together with the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. This year the event will be held for the fourth time.
The main theme is «Life with Conflict – A New Standard?». The workshop will be divided into three thematic blocks: long-term conflicts and their impact on society; the EU’s internal and external politics against Russia; how Ukraine can cope with the conflict and how the further cooperation will look like. The task for workshop participants is to discuss these political events and situations and, within academic circles, formulate ideas for promoting moderation or even solution of existing conflicts. In addition to scholars, experts from non-governmental organizations, analytical centers and international organizations will also be involved in the discussion.
According to the organizers, «Life with Conflict – A New Standard?» is not just a way to discuss options for planning and implementing politics in the context of current political events, but also a great opportunity to share experiences in the professional field, to establish relationships, etc. The main purpose of the workshop is to promote academic exchange between the participants.
Ukrainian and German scholars, graduate students, and academic staff can take part in the event. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in the field of social sciences, first of all – political science and international relations, global politics, as well as economics, history, media and law.
The application for participation in the workshop can be send till March 11 at