Polytechnic representative took part in the discussion of the project «Moodle is pro100» with educators

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The implementation of the project «Moodle is pro100» will continue in 2021. It is designed to create one digital environment for educational institutions. The project was presented to the representatives of the Departments of Education at a Zoom meeting in the Department of Education and Science, Lviv Regional State Administration.

The project aims to protect schools from external factors, to establish the use of their own digital space and not to depend financially on corporations that have partially adapted their platforms for distance learning.

– For more than a year we have been working in conditions that negatively affect the educational process. Adapting to the challenges of time the process needs to be changed. Distance learning as it is now is not always effective and high quality. We face the challenge of ensuring a decent level of education, despite the pandemic. These are long-term trends, and we should expect that they will not return us to the form of education five or ten years ago, – said Marharyta Noskova, Director of the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies, the Institute of Jurisprudence, Psychology and Innovative Education, Lviv Polytechnic.

Thus, according to the Director of the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies, the choice fell on the Moodle platform, as all previous platforms just link the service provider and the consumer, and in Ukraine platforms that would be specially created for distance learning are not used.

The selection of schools ready for the implementation of the pilot project will last until the end of the month. The school administration and teachers must be interested in participating in the project, as they will be organized special training, which will last from June to October. It will be divided into three areas: training for platform administrators among technical coordinators, the second group will include directors of institutions so that they can work with the platform and organize the process, the third area is training of teachers who will conduct courses.

After the successful implementation of the platform in these schools, the project will be scaled to the entire region.

More details you can find on Osvita.loda portal.