Lviv Polytechnic University expands its cooperation with Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Anastasiia Stepaniak (Mozhgova), Audytoriya weekly newspaper
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On February 8, the delegation of Wroclaw Polytechnic paid a business visit to Rector of University, Professor Yurii Bobalo.

From the Polish side, Head of the Department of Social Objects Management Kazimierz Pabisiak and Director of the Project Management Department at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, who advises, organizes, monitors and accompanies all the scientific, educational, innovation and investment projects of the University, Justyna Staszak, took part in the negotiations.

Besides Rector of Lviv Polytechnic, the delegation was welcomed by Vice-Rector Oleh Matviikiv and Head of the Department of Computer-Aided Design (ICSIT) Mykhailo Lobur.

The main purpose of the visit was to discuss the current state of cooperation between universities and its further expansion. In particular, they discussed three main areas of cooperation: organization of summer internship for Lviv Polytechnic students at Wroclaw enterprises in the framework of the initiative of the Dortmund-Wroclaw-Lviv Foundation named after Holy Jadwiga; strengthening mutual student exchanges and organization of academic mobility in the framework of Polish and European programs; dissemination of Wroclaw Polytechnic experience in project organization and prospects of attracting project funds to Lviv Polytechnic.

Cooperation between our universities has traditionally been warm and long. We have always maintained friendly relations, both between the leadership (at the level of rectors) and between individual departments. We have many joint conferences, educational and scientific projects. Both universities appreciate such cooperation and seek to expand it, as the real potential of our relationship has not been fully disclosed yet. Therefore, such meetings, when we can exchange propositions and ideas on how to develop and expand our cooperation, are very useful and important. Today’s meeting has demonstrated that Lviv Polytechnic is ready to implement plans for 2019, commented on the event Vice-Rector Oleh Matviikiv.