On 17 October 2022, Mariana Vyniarska, PhD in Economics, Master of Law, Director of the Expert Advisory Centre "Legal Analytics", gave a public lecture online on the topical topic "International negotiations on climate change". During the lecture, the speaker focused on the results of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - COP 26 (Glasgow, 2021) and Ukraine's position, the impact of the war in Ukraine on climate negotiations, and Ukraine's expected nationally determined contributions (2015, 2021), challenges and problems in implementing climate protection policy, climate change policy priorities, fossil fuel phase-out, international initiatives joined by Ukraine at COP 26 in Glasgow, financial issues, and peculiarities of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. The lecturer paid special attention to her participation in the Green Peace NGO and the desire of international experts to contribute to Ukraine's post-war recovery.
Mariana Vyniarska's speech aroused considerable interest, as it was attended by more than a hundred participants, including students of various specialities, teachers, postgraduate students, and EUSTS project participants from the departments of Social Communications and Information Activity, Political Science and International Relations, and Electromechatronics and Computerised Electromechanical Systems.
The attendees were mostly interested in the state of Ukraine's implementation of its international commitments on climate goals, financial instruments to address climate change, the consequences of Ukraine's closure of coal-fired power plants by 2035, and possible ways of post-war recovery in Ukraine.
The event was held within the framework of the European Studies for Technical Specialities at Lviv Polytechnic National University (EUSTS) project, which is implemented with the support of the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Programme, and included a series of public lectures by speakers.
The project team thanks all the participants of this event and continues to work on preparing other equally interesting events on the current topics of Ukraine's European integration and cooperation with the European Union. We invite everyone to join our events!