Open4UA project featured in the EOSC Future Brochure of Use Cases on EOSC and Open Science

Oleksandr Berezko, Open4UA Project Coordinator
Open4UA project featured in the EOSC Future Brochure of Use Cases

We are thrilled to announce that our Open4UA project together with the Ministerial Working Group on Research Assessment Reform and CoARA Chapter Ukraine were featured in the Brochure of Use Cases on EOSC and Open Science as part of the Ukrainian National Open Science Plan implementation.

This brochure has been developed by the EOSC Future project and showcases recent use cases on EOSC and Open Science and presents 31 use cases from different countries in Europe on policies and practices to implement EOSC and Open Science at the national level with a short description, key facts, and links for further information for each use case. The use cases have been collected from Member States and Associated Countries in the EOSC Steering Board via the Survey on National Contributions to EOSC and follow-on interviews with designated representatives for each use case

The brochure is available in Open Access on Zenodo:

Gareth O'Neill, Fleur Lebhardt, & Izabella Martins Grapengiesser. (2024). Brochure of Use Cases on EOSC and Open Science (Версія V1). Zenodo.