Today, on April 22, there was an online meeting of Rector Yurii Bobalo, Vice-Rectors of Lviv Polytechnic and students of our university. In total, almost 260 people joined the conversation and over 800 the meeting chat.
– We hoped that after April 24 we would be able to come and start working at our university. However, we still have to stay home. So far, we are focusing on May 11. Frankly, our empty corridors and rooms miss your laughter and humor. After all, the university comes to life when it is filled with students, said Yurii Bobalo addressing the youth at the beginning of the meeting. – Today, in these hard for all of us times, it is important to understand that teaching and learning is our shared responsibility and obligation. Thus, use this time for intellectual and spiritual enrichment, study your courses, communicate with academic staff and classmate as well as improve your foreign language skills.
Most of all students were wondering how they will pass summer exams. Vice-Rector for Graduate Education Oleh Davydchak told in detail about the whole process.
– In general, we are considering two options for this term exams. If the quarantine ends on May 12, we will continue the usual way of training. For the 1st-3rd year bachelor students and the 1st year master students the exams will take place from June 8 to 27. And during the first week of July students can retake their exams. If the quarantine continues, exams will be taken online, underlined Oleh Davydchak.
The graduates – both the fourth year bachelor and the second year master students– have been completing their theses. The defense of master theses will take place from May 25 to May 30. If the quarantine continues, it will be online. The defense of bachelor theses will be in the last weeks of June.
The Vice-Rector also advised to send the laboratory works through VLE or to a certain e-mail address. Compulsory oral exams will be taken online.