Online internship for pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers in Poland

Економічний університет у Кракові

The European League for Professional Development together with the University of Economics in Krakow and the Małopolska School of Public Administration in Krakow organizes at the University of Economics in Krakow, Poland, online internships on «New and innovative teaching methods» for pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical staff of higher education institutions of I-IV levels of accreditation regardless of ownership and subordination».

Dates of internships – from February 14 to March 25, 2022.

The internship will provide participants with new theoretical knowledge, they will be able to master the latest unique techniques, gain teaching experience, share useful information with foreign colleagues and gain new scientific connections. Training and gaining valuable knowledge from interesting lecturers is the main goal of the internship.

The internship program consists of three modules.

  • Module 1. Introduction. Mobility in education (distance online course and individual work).
  • Module 2. European and Polish higher education system (distance online course and individual work).
  • Module 3. Internship summary: Fame Lab (distance online course and individual work).

The University of Economics in Kraków issues a certificate of international internship of 180 hours to each participant.

Detailed information on participation is available on the website of the European League for Professional Development.